Assorted Writings

The HMS Dunera: a book review

Writing Jewish Melbourne 

Migrant Writing in Australia

Alongside the education, the learning

Is there a Jewish literature?

Australasian Jewry from a bibliographer’s perspective

Literature without borders – an address

Koheleth – A Secular View

Omniculturalism: Pan Populi as the Multicultural End-point

This Crazy Thing A Life: Australian Jewish Autobiography – a review

On Reading Agnes Walder’s translation of her father Lajos Walder’s writings

Diaspora from the Jewish Perspective – A Brief Introduction and a Reading

Dr Jekyll  & Mr Hyde – on brotherhood and flags

Seventy Years Of Yiddish Theatre in Melbourne

Yiddish Theatre in Perth, Brisbane and Sydney

Gentile champions of Jews in Australia

A migrant doctor finds his Africa in St Kilda

Displacement, migration, diaspora and home

From Europe to Australia

Migrant Writing in Australia

Doctors as Writers

Life outside the surgery

Post-Auschwitz Tikkun Olam

The Dunera Internees – a book review

Pinchas Goldhar

Literature without borders