The Battered and the Redeemed

The Battered and the Redeemed

Published in 1990 by Fine-Lit.

“Through these works, Serge Liberman strengthens his claim upon his own highly individual niche in Australian writing.”


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The Mozart Requiem marks a turning-point in the lives of two young people; an adolescent aspiring to be a writer stands at the threshold of his literary mission; a doctor discovers personal implications in another man’s death; three musicians play for their very lives; a school reunion turns surreal; the apostle Paul sees not one vision but two; a visitor to New York is drawn into the search by its myriad inhabitants for personal salvation.

These stories and others are peopled by disciples and martyrs, heretics and pilgrim souls; they tell of janitors and students, revolutionaries and common folk; and evoke folklorish princes and biblical figures, would-be converts and human saints.